I Can't Use My Legs - So I Taught Myself To Burlesque | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

2023-10-31 11

PANSY was in their teens when they started experiencing extreme pain and had to rely on a wheelchair to get around. They were eventually diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and explained to Truly how, "I definitely felt like I was limited just by my ability." Pansy struggled with the isolation that comes with a new disability, revealing, "As I grew older, I realised I was queer. And then I started using a wheelchair. It kind of just all compounded into just feeling different than everyone around me." During this time, Pansy started experimenting with make-up, using it as a way to express themselves. In this episode of Shake My Beauty, we'll hear how Pansy is now a burlesque dancer and get to witness their incredible moves. Speaking about how they choose to make themselves visible as a disabled performer, Pansy said, "People make a lot of assumptions about wheelchair users. Different people exist in the world and we all deserve to be seen and heard and included in society."

Follow Pansy: @pansystbattie